-iRise Studio: requirement development environment
-iRise Manager: middleware to manage requirements
-iRise Reader: client
-Dynamic integration between Word and requirement database
-Integration with other IBM software development tools, for coding, testing, and mantanence
-Distributed access to requirement repository (not sure about the detailed mechanisms)
-Traceability and coverage analysis (among requirements)
-Impact of requirement changes (among requirements)
-Query capabilities based on attributes
-Requirement audit trail
-Central requirement repos
-Controlled access to repos
-Customizalbe requirement structure (define requirement types, each type has a unique set of atts)
-Requirement project templates (not sure what is diff with req types)
RequisitePro has several ways to edit requirements:
1) Use Word plugin: insert new requirements directly by selecting the plugin toolbar or the right-click menu.
2) use requirement editor
3) use requirement viewer
Because all requirements are stored in the database, searching and revision control have been taken care of easily.
Coverage anaylysis uses queries to create views that shows the relationship between requirements, requirement and
use cases, etc.
Change impact analysis: my understanding of how this works. Links are set up between a requirement and a use case,
for example. When the text of the requirement changes, the link will be marked as a suspect link.
RequisiteWeb: a web interface to the requisitePro
see demo (
In RequisitePro we can create four types of items:
1)Package: just like a folder to group things together
2)Document: 5 templates are provided: glossary, requirement management plan, supplementary requirement specification,
use case specification, vision
3)View: attribute matrix, traceability matrix, traceability tree (in or out)
4)Requirement: can have the attributes of type, priority, status, difficulty, stability, origin, contact, enhancement-request
defect (the last two are connected with clearquest tool)
CaliberRM from Borland
features and functions are quite similar to RequisitePro
It has a document factory to generate Word document from Word templates.
Import and export of project data support many different formats like Word doc, ASCII files, etc.
Requirement types and attributes can be customized.
Advanced version history and traceability, integrates with SCM tools like Borland StarTeam, Merant PVCS, Microsoft SourceSafe,
Rational ClearCase.
The tool integrtes with a line of Borland requirement engineering tools, e.g. estimate professional for workload/cost estimation,
datamart+BusinessObjects for advanced query/analysis to support decision making process,
Mercury quality center/testDirector.
Telelogic DOORS
2)DOORS XT: distributed requirement management
3)DOORS/Analyst: using UML diagrams to draw requirement models, a visual modeling environment
4)DOORSnet: enable Web access to the requirement management functions
=change tracking
=inherant small-scale test environment, integration with Mercury quality center/testDirectory for large-scale testing
=integration with other telelogic products
Serena Requirements Traceability Management(RTM)
Requirements authoring using Word, or visual models defined using Serena Composer, or Wb client
A uniqe polling feature that allows people to vote to make decisions
Built on Oracle DB
- On-line ability to collaborate, in real-time with live data while keeping a history of that collaboration.
- A true data repository that provides full traceability; with no ‘limitations’ or special proprietary scripting languages
- User interfaces, Word and Web, that are industry standards and commonly used in every organization
- The hybrid capability of viewing requirements data in both document form and object form
- True baselining and versioning capability with full history of all changes
- User designed forms to capture and manage any engineering information such as defects, enhancement requests and change requests, to name a few
- icAdvisor for requirements correctness
Documents and Papers
Increasing Business/IT Relevance and Adaptability: Adopting Requirements Visualization
(a META Group White Paper)
META group estimates that 60%-80% of project failures can be attributed directly to poor
requirements gathering, analysis, and management.