Friday, October 29, 2010

move posts from blogsome to Blogger

I used to like free wordpress blog service provided by blogsome and occasionally update my technical notes at But its online editor is really painful to use and way behind the Blogger editor.

Today, after tried and failed to set up the SyntaxHighlighter javascript code highlighter on blogsome. I decided to move from blogsome to Blogger.

But how to export existing posts and import into Blogger? After a bit Google search, here is what you should do (assuming your blogsome blog is

1. export existing blogsome posts in RSS 2.0 format in an XML file

- log into blogsome as admin
- go to manage->posts, write down the id of your latest post, say 125, this is the total number of posts you have for your blogsome blog
- go to options->reading->syndication feeds, change "show most recent" from x (e.g. default is 10) to 125, also change "for each article, show" to full text
- open a new browser window, enter, you will get all existing posts in RSS 2.0 format, save the current page as feed.xml

2. convert exported blogsome feed.xml to a format that Blogger can recognize/accept

Blogger has some strange behavior, if you directly import this feed.xml, Blogger gives a very hard to understand error with the slide bar keeping going back and forward (Blogger, please fix this bug, at least provide some more meaningful explanation about this error)

"Sorry, the import failed due to a server error. The error code is bX-tjg9ds"

I also tried to export blogsome posts in atom format, which is supported by google, but no luck, still the same. Then I googled the error and someone has a solution already!

You simply go to wordpress2blogger conversion tool site, use "choose file" to upload your feed.xml and click "convert", and then save the result to feed-converted.xml

3. import feed-converted.xml to Blogger

blogger has a detailed tutorial on that already, so I don't want to repeat that. Just follow the instructions there. Unless you need to hide some posts, you should select "automatically publish all imported posts" on the import page.

That's it, you have a new life on Blogger!


  1. Tutorial for importing from blogsome to another wordpress site
  2. How do I import and export blogs on Blogger
  3. Overcome the bX-tjg9ds Blogger import error
  4. wordpress to Blogger conversion tool

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