Monday, March 18, 2013

Set up Python 3 development tools on Mac

The default Python shipped with OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.x is Python 2.7.2. There are many nice posts about setting up the Python tools for 2.7.2 and I had a hard time finding ones that cover Python 3. So, this post serves as the notes for my Python 3 setup on OS X 10.8.x.

As a side note, the Python tool chain seems to be really messed up. And it is quite difficult to find a latest coherent source of truth for the state of art developer tools, especially after Python 3. This definitely falls short of my experience with RubyGems for Ruby and NPM for Node.JS, where specifications are clearly defined, actively documented and well supported by community.

Anyways, here are the steps I went through:

1. Install latest Python3. As of this writing, the latest stable Python3 is v3.3.0.

Simply download directly from official Python website and install: download links.

Another way is to install using Homebrew, the best/missing package manager for OS X. However, the latest Python3 formula available to me is v3.2.x.
brew install python3
Type python3 and you will enter python3 REPL:
Python 3.3.0 (v3.3.0:bd8afb90ebf2, Sep 29 2012, 01:25:11)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

2. Install distribute and pip

Basically distribute is a replacement for setuptools, pip is a replacement for easy_install. Distribute and pip provide better Python3 support.
$ curl | python3
$ curl | python3
Update your PATH:
Now, you can use pip to install Python3 packages. See pip documentation for more information about how to use pip, especially useful is the cookbook section.

3. Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper

In practice, pip is most useful used together with virtualenv. virtualenv is handy when you need to have multiple development environment with different configurations.

To install virtualenv, just run:
$pip install virtualenv
To create a virtual environment, run the following. It creates a virtual environment named "py3" and installs distribute instead of setuptools in the environment (--distribute option tells it to install distribute). Under the hood, it creates a directory "py3" in the current directory with all the required tools and libraries.
$virtualenv --distribute py3
Using base prefix '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3'
New python executable in py3/bin/python3
Also creating executable in py3/bin/python
Installing distribute......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................done.
Installing pip................done.
To use the newly create environment, just run the activate script installed in the environment. It basically changes your $PATH and put virtual environment bin directory in front of existing $PATH. It also changes the command line prompt to show the name of the environment. You can run deactivate to restore to the previous $PATH (it is a function defined and exported in activate script).
$ source py3/bin/activate
(py3) $ pip install pgmagick
(py3) $ deactivate
To remove the environment, simply remove its directory:
$ rm -rf py3
For more details about virtualenv, please see its documentation.

To create virtual environments with different Python interpreters, just use -p option.

virtualenvwrapper is a set of extensions to manage and work across different virtual environments easier. It is not necessary, but it makes working with virtual environments much comfortable and effective. However, according to its official project page, it does not support Python 3.3 yet. I could not successfully install it either. Let's wait for Python 3.3 support.

If you are running Python 3.2 and under, simply install it by:
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper

An alternative to virtualenv is pythonbrew.

4. Install boiler template project skeleton generation tool

Paste and pastescript provides a nice tool to generate the skeleton project based on different templates. However, it is not ported to Python3 yet. If you are running Python 2.x, you should try it out. The project is actively worked on, so Python3 support should be around the corner.

After digging around, there are several alternatives:
- skeleton (last commit was 3 years ago):
- mr.bob (active development):

5. Documentation with Sphinx

Sphinx is the de facto documentation system for Python code. It also starts to support C/C++ projects now. Many projects including Python itself uses Sphinx. See Sphinx documentation for how to use it.

To publish Sphinx online, you can use Read The Docs. It allows you to host your project on Github and every commit will trigger the build of your documentation and publish it to Read The Docs automatically.

6. Advanced build system and continuous integration

Buildout is an advanced build system recommended by many projects and discussions online. Its documentation is here.

For Continuous Integration support, Travis CI is highly recommended. You can simply hook it up with your Github project.


1. Sergey Karayev: Setting up a development environment on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, it uses the default Python 2.7.2 installation.

2. Stackoverflow: how to use pip with Python 3.x besides Python 2.x

3. Stackoverflow: Python 3.2 import issue

4. Stackoverflow: Alternatives to Python Pastescript's paster create

5. The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python