Friday, October 29, 2010

Represent inner classes in UML

Problem: How to represent inner classes in the class diagram in UML?

I am doing TA for Software Methodology class this quarter and we use lots of UML diagrams. When grading students’ homework, I found this problem about representing inner classes in the class diagram.

After consulting the UML 1.5 spec and other resources, there are two ways.

Solution 1: (from Holub Associates: UML Reference Card)

 Nesting, Inner Class.. Identifies nesting (containment) relationships in all diagrams. In a class diagram: an “inner” class whose definition is nested within the another class definition. Typically puts the inner class in the name space of the outer class.


Solution 2: Use a package symbol (from UML 1.5 spec, chapter 3 UML Notations (PDF), 3.48.2)

“Note that nested notation is not the correct way to show a class declared within another class. Such a declared class is not a structural part of the enclosing class but merely has scope within the namespace of the enclosing class, which acts like a package toward the inner class. Such a namescope containment may be shown by placing a package symbol in the upper right corner of the class symbol. A tool can allow a user to click on the package symbol to open the set of elements declared within it. The “anchor notation” (a cross in a circle on the end of a line) may also be used on a line between two class boxes to show that the class with the anchor icon declares the class on the other end of the line.”


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