Here are several links and resources to get you started.
Company and Community
dataArtisans, company behind Flink
Google Trends comparing Flink, Spark and Storm (Spark is still way more popular)
Google Trends comparing Flink, Spark and Storm (Spark is still way more popular)
Introduction to Apache Flink, book from Flink core developers, highly recommend to start your Flink journey with. It is a Free download from MapR.
Flink in Action (MEAP, available in Spring 2017), the first chapter (PDF) is Free and gives a good overview.
Quick start guide
Talks and Videos
Alibaba slides on Blink, their fork of Flink, Alibaba is one of the biggest online e-commerce site in China.
Performance and Benchmark
I am very thankful that you share this great article. And i also appreciate you that you share some informative links here. Book is also very fantastic to read.